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Saving and Budgeting

Your Journey Starts with a Budget

Put Earnest in your pocket

All the basic personal finance topics is now in a handy e-book you can refer to anywhere and anytime.

Plan your savings goals

Create a list of your important savings goals by filling out the table below. Then, download the file when it is completed.

Savings Goals
Total Amount to Save
savings start date
savings end date
Amount to Save per Month
Number of Months
Add Savings Goal

Start typing in your goals to see how much you need to save

You can download this list as an XLSX file for your reference

Download Your Bucket List

Downloadable Resource

Get started with budgeting using this easy-to-use and simple budget sheet Download Budget Template

Or you can download the Whole Book for the complete and comprehensive guide.

How to assess your financial health using a simple questionnaire

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